Minggu, 29 November 2009

Marketing and Sales Manager

Post Date: 30 Nov 09

Position Description:

We are looking for a Marketing and Sales Manager to oversee a wide range of marketing activities for Streetdirectory.com.

Apart from your daily Marketing work, you will support the sales team in finding ways to generate new clients as well as client retention team in finding ways to keep our existing clients. You must be familiar with organizing events and tradeshows and have at least 3 years’ related experience in events management for F&B, tradeshows, wedding, entertainment, shopping mall etc.

More details below;

The candidate must have extensive experience with proven track record to undertake a spectrum of duties as follows:

  • Planning, developing and executing of Corporate Customer programs
  • Events planning such as training, seminars, tradeshows and product launches
  • Driving of direct marketing campaigns
  • Manage our below the line advertising ad above the line advertising campaigns
  • Find creative ways to increase our fan base at Facebook, Twitter and other web media
  • Must be have a Leadership skill

Desired experience & skills

To be successful in this position, you need to be;

· Skilled in channel marketing, communications and promotion
· Lead & build a sales team in Indonesia
· Comfortable with the internet and know the different tools of reaching out to a wider audience online.
· Experience in media planning is preferred (optional)
· Dynamic, confident, self-starter with strong team player spirit, initiative and results-oriented

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